Nomination for Annual Awards

Each year, GAA grants awards to recognize and celebrate significant impacts to Georgia's airport Industry.

Commercial Service & General Aviation Airport Project of the Year Awards

  • A project that significantly improves airport capacity.
  • A project that significantly improves airport safety.
  • Innovative or of such magnitude that its principles can be applied to numerous airports in the state.
  • A project that required/demonstrated extraordinary resourcefulness.
 Guidelines & Criteria for the GAA Airport Project of the Year

Jim White Memorial, Corporate Member of the Year Award 

  • An individual or corporation with outstanding contribution or contributions toJim White Head Shot the Georgia State Aviation Systems Plan over an extended period of time.
  • An individual or corporate effort at a specific airport during the previous year.
  • Efforts by an individual that were an inspiration and/or service during the previous year.
  • A doctrinal or technical contribution that was of specific innovative effort at an airport or was of such a magnitude that it was applicable to all airports in the state.
 Guidelines & Criteria for the Jim White Corporate Award

James Stogner Award, Airport Member of the Year Award

James Stogner Head Shot

  • an outstanding contribution or contributions to the Georgia State Aviation Systems Plan
  • an individual effort at airport/s in the state of Georgia over the course of their career
  • efforts by an individual that showed leadership and dedication during their career
  • a demonstrated commitment to the Georgia Airports Association and the airport management profession
  • any combination of the above


Guidelines & Criteria for James Stogner Award 
Nominations must be submitted by August 31, 2024 at 5:00 pm to be considered, and the successful nomination will be announced at the Conference during the awards announcements on October 18, 2024.

Past GAA Award Winners